Day 9 - HTML Review

Road to Becoming a Front End Web Dev


4 min read

Today I decided to take a step back from projects and review what I have learn so far in HTML.

I started my day at the laundromat, while waiting for my clothes to wash and dry I listened to a few youtube video tutorials on my phone. they were two tutorials both designed for beginners. I constantly hear the motto "In order to learn you have to make projects on your own" although I believe this is true, I did learn the most these past 6 weeks by actually coding and googling my solution. I do believe it is necessary to review what you have learn as a way to retain information as well. I treated these videos as a "lecture" class, only writing down the most important information I did not know already. For anyone interested I used the two following videos



Along with a few others I personally use both Youtube Channels as my main visual resources when it comes to tutorials. They are simple and clear and if it wasn't for their tutorials I would not have the knowledge I have today.

Moving on after I got home, I decided to give myself a Challenge by completing some exercises via w3schools . During my CSS review 2 weeks back I was able to complete all their exercises and passed their quiz. The site is a fantastic resource for when it comes to documentation and examples. I love that their exercises include links to the documentation about the same topic of the exercise and you are able to read through find your answer and see why it works with detailed explanations. When reviewing CSS I was able to iron a few questions I had and really grasps concepts I was a little shaky about before. I hope to achieve the same result this time around with HTML. I have also been going through each exercise while taking notes as if a beginner (First time I wrote my notes beside example code in Visual Studio Code). I feel as if I blew through HTML went onto learning CSS and never looked back, going through w3schools exercise really has me understanding properties and attributes and not to mention all the new tags I've been learning. Following this pace I am a little more than halfway through the exercises and when done I will be taking their quiz.

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Please don't comment about my hand writing or office ๐Ÿ˜… IMG_1720.jpg

Yesterday I mentioned learning my first framework Bootstrap 5 and although I am very eager to learn it, I found it would be a better idea to learn it once I know javascript. Plus I should actually use these last few days of the month to really finish strong with HTML and CSS since I am moving onto a new language.

I will be starting new projects once done with my w3schools exercises and quiz. For my next project I want to practice my HTML more than my CSS. I also want to focus on an area of which I am weak in like tables! Tables confuse me and so I will be building a project with tables being the center piece. I also found a neat picture I would like to replicate/clone using CSS and HTML as my second project.

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I am excited to finish these last few days strong at the begin of all of this I used to thing learning everything in 2 months is impossible. And it is, but I am super satisfied of my progress and the knowledge I now posses!

Stay Tuned...

Side Note:

Adding onto my ending paragraph I just wanted to mention overall 6 weeks and some days later I still feel highly motivated. I wont lie and say I was passionate about coding everyday but I can say mostly every day. At times I feel lazy about it I push myself to turn on the computer and start coding and after a few minutes I naturally go into a "funnel". There are few days where my personal life gets in the way and thats when I feel the most "fomo" and anxiety since I do not want to cheat myself and I know there is so much to learn! These are a few complications I've found I had to battle!
