Day 27 - To Do List Project

Road to Becoming a Front End Web Dev


3 min read

Today was a great day for learning. I went to my local Starbucks in order to really focus on today's project. I woke up with the idea of making a to do list. I was able to visualize the code and therefore thought I should give it a shot.

I started off with laying down the basic HTML and CSS work. I then used one of my favorite gradient generators to create a pleasing background image. I then used another one of my favorite CSS concepts of glass morphism to create the main box where my content will be contained in.

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I quickly shifted my focus from the design to focusing on the actual functions of my to do list. I knew I needed to capture the user's input when the "add" button is clicked. I had good practice yesterday when it came to a function triggered by an event listener. So I started with creating my variables for the HTML elements I was going to manipulate. I then created my event listener for the "add" button. It was pretty straight forward up until this point.

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The project got quickly confusing and rough for me to wrap my mind around. Once I had the basic's of my to do list taking the input and adding it to a ul list I wanted to mess with chrome's local storage. My to do list would disappear (or reset) when the page was refreshed. During my youtube tutorial learning I made a project similar to this feature I needed so I decided to reference the code from my previous chrome extension project.

I was trying to replicate the same function but for some reason things were being stored multiple times to my local storage causing the to do list to have duplicates task. I was pretty much stumped by this all day. I mostly played around with the array variable that was holding all of my task, I tried different variations with in the "add button" event listener using the task array in the global scope of my code and with in the event listener itself. I haven't learned any debugging using visual studio code so I decided to step through my code line by line understanding what each line is triggering. I eventually caught my error in the first part of my code where I rendered what items I had in my local storage using an if statement I was using a completely new variable instead of using my existing variable I had made to contain all my items.

Before Screen Shot 2021-07-17 at 01.11.03.png

After Screen Shot 2021-07-17 at 01.11.23.png

By the time I solved my issue it was 3 AM and I was able to go to sleep with a smile on my face. I finished my day's work by using some DOM manipulation techniques to create a "render" function that will carry out most of app's functions. I made it so when it is called it will take items from an array and render them into a UL list viewable by the user.

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Tomorrow I will work on the ability to delete individual tasks. I am having hard time visualizing the code needed to create this function once again so it's something I know I will be struggling with. I know I would probably have to assign unique IDs to each list item. Once completed though, I believe my app will be completed. I am really enjoying this project since it is creating good muscle memory and perspectives.

Stay Tuned...
